Thank you for sharing these varied, insightful questions! I especially love hearing from video game devs, being a video game fan myself and always curious about their approach to storytelling!

I myself read to get inspired as a writer, read to learn something new, to escape life, to broaden my horizons and challenge my views.

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Excellent replies! I particularly like J. M. Burnett's points about reading being different from consuming stories via other mediums.

I also appreciate Esh's point about not having to live an interesting life to have interesting things to write about. I come across this idea sometimes (travel! Do loads of things! Live life!), but tiny experiences can still generate intriguing ideas or complex emotions that can be translated into a completely different scenario.

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I’ve been lucky to meet a lot of interesting people over the last year

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This was great, thanks for sharing! Feel like there’s a lot to learn/consider in each response.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Nathan Schuetz

Imagine for a moment the millions of commuters on trains all over the world escaping into a novel as they head to their soul-draining, wage-slave cubicle job five days a week, year after year...

Many would be "dead inside" without the life support.

Writers save lives!

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I needed this! I've been grappling with the "why write?" question a lot lately, and answers to "why read?" hold the key - thanks, Nathan!!

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