Gah, love Didion, though I've never read her fiction. I'll have to check this one out. Slouching Towards Bethlehem, if you haven't tried it yet, is my favorite of hers.

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I have a copy here! It's just waiting for me to finish some other books first. I read the first story (article?) ahead though and she tells the story in an fun way. Very different than play it as it lays--she seems to pick tone and voice and style really deliberately to suit the work

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Thank you for your insightful, thoughtful review. The book seems unique, in the way it's written. The subject matter is indeed something necessary to explore. Who hasn't felt and wanted nothing at some point in their life? I imagine when you were recovering from your concussion (I hope you're better now), your body must have been fighting for your healing and protecting you from feeling. I feel that often when my inflammation flares up.

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