Lovely idea, and some lovely language! I particularly like "settled here to enjoy the very clown-like hustle and the dentist-like bustle of a life filled daily with sheafs of cotton candy and lines of children holding drooping pizza, spilling pepperoni and pineapples onto the sidewalk to the glee of dogs and ants who felt like kings"
Lovely idea, and some lovely language! I particularly like "settled here to enjoy the very clown-like hustle and the dentist-like bustle of a life filled daily with sheafs of cotton candy and lines of children holding drooping pizza, spilling pepperoni and pineapples onto the sidewalk to the glee of dogs and ants who felt like kings"
Thank you!
What a unique story! Especially the last paragraphs were so vivid in my mind. Gave me chills.
That's kind of you to say, thank you!